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All right, Santorum gained a few points in my book, by his talk at what he thought was probably a close win near the end of the reporting in Iowa yesterday:

His story about his grandfather’s hands digging freedom for him in a Pennsylvania mine.

His remark about a best friend being one who knows your life song, and sings it back to you when you forget the words.

His remark about Obama’s remark about middle americans “clinging to their guns and their bibles”  Santorum said.. “Thank Gd”, eliminating manufacturing corporate tax was not bad either, though his unequal tax treatment of diff industries (just can’t walmart can’t move to china is not ideologically good) …

and must give credit to the strategy, nose to the ground, hard work, with little money, ignoring the pundits, and devising his own iowa momentum strategy and focusing on it and carrying through. that was impressive.


Too bad his “conservatism” comes simply from his faith (Catholic), not a true conservative, his loyalties lie with unions and poor workers… he can’t shake the picture of union mine workers like his grandfather. for his hard work, and social conservatism and religiousness, he isnt a true conservative, is not a real conservative in the western or southern style, nor in the Reagan style… he is a Pat Buchanan of sorts, but not as smart. Also a bit self righteous and annoying. So too bad.


Iowans let the nation down by shunning Newt. But its far from over. teh anything but romney vote like I have been commenting is huge, he can barely break 20. means 80% of republicans don’t want romney…


And santroum voters, would in majority go to newt. Ron paul voters, would in majority (though smalller due to the liberal peace-nick independent component) go to newt as well. As perry and bachman go, the majority of those are also newts to grab… so this race is still very much, but the strategy must be wise…


Newt made a great speech, praised both ron and santorum and left his criticism Romney. The mighty blow was : “Romney will do a fine job managing the decay”.. but thats about it. The only two people that would make fundamental change is ron paul and newt. They are the only true capitalists, but paul is nuts and newt is a genius and a patriot and a hawk and an ally of Israel.


Romney is just an establishment media toy, and unable to debate Newt on issues, and respect the Regan code among Republicans, he threw massive money in negative ads at Newt. Time to hit the draft dodger back. No matter what he does, the “anyone but Romney” vote is the majority, and his only chance is to keep them all in for a while, until he has won several primaries unchallenged. I hope the others are patriotic enough not to let that happen.



In any event, Newt just has to survive New Hampshire without letting the media dismiss him again, and he will have S. Carolina, Florida and Nevada all in a row… and it continues…

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